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where: p=power

A=maximun amplitude

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Q: What is the power in a triangle wave?
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What will be the output when a square wave is the input of the differentiater?

If you use a square wave as input to an integrator circuit, the output will be a triangle wave.

What does a wave power machine do?

A wave power machine converts the energy from ocean waves into electricity. It typically involves capturing the kinetic energy of the moving water and converting it into electrical energy through technologies such as turbines or buoys. This renewable energy source can help generate electricity without producing greenhouse gas emissions.

What is noise triangle?

Noise triangle is a triangular noise distribution for FM.Noise triangle is the study of effect of noise on the carrier signal of the FM wave.

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The triangle of power can be found in the Cove! The "triangle of power's" true meaning in anonymous, only to know that it's something about ninjas.

When was Pelamis Wave Power created?

Pelamis Wave Power was created in 1998.

What is mean electrical power triangle?

the electrical power triangle is as shown in the above pictiure

When was Siadar Wave Power Station created?

The Siadar Wave Power Station in Scotland was created in 2014.

Does a wave power station use renewable energy?

Yes, a wave power station uses renewable energy, as it captures the energy from ocean waves and converts it into electricity. Waves are a natural and sustainable energy source that does not deplete with use.

What will be the output if input to integrator is triangular wave?

Try the mathematics and you will see how.For f(x) = ∫x dt, where x is a square wave function, f(x) will be a triangle wave function.Also try what happens where x is a triangle wave function!

What does wave energy power?

Wave power produces renewable energy, that is, electricity. This is the same electricity that we use every day, so wave power can power our heaters, coolers, electric cars, trains and planes and everything that runs on electricity.

What is a triangle wave voltage function?

Triangle-wave voltage signal is a periodic signal that always has a constant positive and negative slope and no zero slope. It is exactly how it is sounds... a triangle shaped wave. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ - just like that. Nothing in this world can naturally produce perfect triangle waves. Every vibrates as periodic sinusoid. Triangle waves can be generated from sin waves with the use of Fourier Series. By summing sin waves with different periods nearly any time-continuous signal can be created. -VM

What is a triangle wave function?

Triangle-wave voltage signal is a periodic signal that always has a constant positive and negative slope and no zero slope. It is exactly how it is sounds... a triangle shaped wave. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ - just like that. Nothing in this world can naturally produce perfect triangle waves. Every vibrates as periodic sinusoid. Triangle waves can be generated from sin waves with the use of Fourier Series. By summing sin waves with different periods nearly any time-continuous signal can be created. -VM