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Although most of the time power is measured in Watts, it can also be expressed as Js-1.

So in your question, you are given the amount of joules and the time in hours. First, convert 5 hours to seconds. There are 60 mins in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute.

So that's going to be 5x60x60 = 18000 seconds

Now all you do in divide the number of joules by the number of seconds to work out the power.

So that's 7500/18000 = 0.41666666666...

approximately, 0.42Js-1(2dp) and thats the same as 0.42W (2dp)

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Q: What is the power in watts when 7500 J of energy are used in 5 h?
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What is the calculation of kilowatts hour?

The calculation of kilowatt-hours (kWh) is done by multiplying the power consumption in kilowatts (kW) by the time in hours (h) that the power is being used. kWh = kW × h. For example, if a device has a power rating of 1 kW and is used for 2 hours, the energy consumption would be 2 kWh.

What is Celsius converted in Watts?

You simply don't convert such utterly incompatible units. Celsius is used for temperature; Watts for power.

What is the difference between power measurement and energy measurement?

Power and energy are closely related. Energy is a measure of the amount of work something has done or can do. It is measured in Joules in a laboratory, calories in certain other fields such as food and other units such as KWH for electrical supplies. As an example, a battery can provide a certain amount of energy which will be used up as the battery delivers a current to a circuit. Power is the amount of energy used or transferred in a certain amount of time so it is a measure of the rate of transfer of energy. It is measured in Watts. One Watt is equal to one Joule being used or transferred each second. Looking at the battery example once again, if the battery delivers energy at 3 joules every second, then its power output is 3W.

How much power is used if the 950 N person lifted 3 meters?

To lift a 950-N load 3 meters requires (950 x 3) = 2,850 joules of energy.The power is the rate at which the energy is delivered. It takes more powerto lift the load faster.The power used to lift this load is (2,850 joules) divided by (the number of seconds it takes),and the unit of the answer is watts.

How you convert 36watts in joules?

Watts is a unit of power; Joules is a unit of energy. Watts means Joules/second, so you would need to know how long a machine that uses 36 watts (for example, certain light-bulbs) is used.36 watts is simply 36 Joules per second; this is the same as 2160 Joules per minute, or 129,600 Joules per hour.Since the electricity bill is measured in kWh instead of Joule (1 kWh = 3,600,000 Ws = 3,600,000 Joule), you might also say that a device that uses 36 watts uses 0.036 kWh every hour.

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What is the power when energy is used at the rate of 350 joules per sec?

The power would be 350 watts. Power is the rate at which energy is transferred or converted, so in this case, if 350 joules of energy is used per second, the power output would be 350 watts.

What is the unit of measurement used to express the energy emitted per second?

Power. In SI, energy is measured in Joule, and power is measured to watts (= Joule per second).Power. In SI, energy is measured in Joule, and power is measured to watts (= Joule per second).Power. In SI, energy is measured in Joule, and power is measured to watts (= Joule per second).Power. In SI, energy is measured in Joule, and power is measured to watts (= Joule per second).

What is watts and what is watts measured in?

Watts is a unit of power, which measures the rate at which energy is transferred. It is named after James Watt, a Scottish engineer. Watts are typically used to measure the power of electrical devices and machinery.

How much heat is in 1000 watts?

1000 watts is a measure of power, not heat. Power is the rate at which energy is used or transferred. To determine the amount of heat generated by 1000 watts, additional information about the time over which the power is used or the efficiency of the system is needed.

What characteristic of electricity is expressed in watts?

The characteristic of electricity expressed in watts is power, which represents the rate at which electrical energy is consumed or produced. It measures how much energy is used or generated per unit of time.

How many hours is there in 200 watts?

200 watts is a unit of power, not time, so it does not directly correspond to a number of hours. Power is a measure of how fast energy is used or produced. To determine the energy consumed in watts per hour, you would need to know the duration of time the power is being used.

Is kWh a unit of power or a unit of work explain.?

kWh is a unit of energy commonly used to measure electricity consumption. It is a unit that combines power (kW) and time (hours), representing the amount of energy used over a period of time.

What label is used for power?

Watts measures power. It is abbreviated simply with a W. It is energy used (or work) over time. Thank you. So what does 1 lb = 4.45 N mean using the label used for power? If Watts measures power and is abbreviated with a W and is the label that is used for power, then what is the label used for Work?

The unit used to express power is called?

The unit used to express power is called the watt (W). Power is the rate at which energy is transferred or converted.

When a light bulb is rated at 60 watts it means it?

When a light bulb is rated at 60 watts, it means that it consumes 60 watts of electrical power when it is turned on. This power consumption determines the brightness of the bulb and is used to measure its energy usage.

What does MW mean in energy?

MW in energy refers to megawatts, which is a unit of power equal to one million watts. It is commonly used to measure the power output of large energy generation facilities like power plants.

What equation would you use to determine the energy used?

The equation to determine energy used is: Energy Used (J) = Power (W) x Time (s) where Power is measured in watts (W) and Time is measured in seconds (s).