8 percent as a decimal is 0.08
8 is equal to 14.2857143% of 56
84 precent
what percentage is 4 of 8 - to works this out the equation is : (4/8)*100 = 50%
3 over 4 minus 3 over 8 can be simplified by finding a common denominator, which in this case is 8. Rewriting 3 over 4 as 6 over 8, the subtraction becomes 6 over 8 minus 3 over 8, which equals 3 over 8.
The percent of a number is found by forming a fraction and then simplifying it to decimal form to the desired precision. For example to find what percent 3 is of 8, the fraction 3/8 is formed and simplified to 37.5 percent.
It is 3 over 8 or 3/8