It is C which means 100 and D is 500
Roman numerals: I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500 and M=1000
The Roman numeral D is 500. It is the next Roman numeral after C, 100.
50 fiftyImproved Answer:-500 = D as a Roman numeral.
Yes, there is a Roman Numeral for 500. It is represented with a D.
The Roman numeral for 500 is D.
D or d both represent 500 as a Roman numeral
The Roman numeral D is 500. It is the next Roman numeral after C, 100.
d or D is a Roman numeral equivalent to 500
50 fiftyImproved Answer:-500 = D as a Roman numeral.
Yes, there is a Roman Numeral for 500. It is represented with a D.
The Roman numeral for 500 is D.
D or d both represent 500 as a Roman numeral
The number 500 is represented by the Roman numeral D
The Roman Numeral D stands for 500. So half of D is 250.
It is: 500 = D as a Roman numeral
It would be a "D" with two vinculums or bars on top.
D is 500
Roman numeral D is 500