Since higher learning institutions do offer degress in accounting, I would assume a major university degree of at least a bachelor's or higher (I don't know if higher degrees are even offered in accounting) would be preferred.
Do you mean accountANT? Become an accountant?
Math 1333 or higher is used in a accountant major.
It depends on what college you attend. Most universities in Missouri require you to take Calculus I in order to become an accountant.
General counsel jobs require a educational background that revolves around legal and compliance jobs. So, a legal background in the preferred educational background.
What is the educational background for Gynecologists?"
he had no educational background
Avril Lavigne doesn't really have an educational background. She dropped out of high school.
So, you would tell the interviewer something about your educational background.
Typically, the minimum educational requirement is a bachelor's degree.
Service Engineers have to go through a lot of training and hardwork before they can be entrusted with a responsible job. They would be more likely to be preferred for a job if they have a masters in the field.
Depending on education background, the starting salary for a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is an estimated $45,000!
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your educational experience
educational background needed if a physician wants to become a family practitioner
Accountants have a variety of career opportunities. Auditor, CFO, tax consultant, public accountant and cost accountant are some of the careers someone with a background in accounting can hold.