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What is the impact factor of Journal of modern Applied Statistical Methods

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Q: What is the present impact factor of Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods?
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Which methods is a valid way to present collected data?

publish the data in an academic journal

Definition for false positive mean?

A test result which incorrectly indicates that a particular condition or attribute is present.

Consequences of autocorrelation?

The answer will depend on the level of statistical knowledge that you have and, unfortunately, we do not know that. The regression model is based on the assumption that the residuals [or errors] are independent and this is not true if autocorrelation is present. A simple solution is to use moving averages (MA). Other models, such as the autoregressive model (AR) or autoregressive integrated moving average model (ARIMA) can be used. Statistical software packages will include tests for the existence of autocorrelation and also applying one or more of these models to the data.

What does aniket mean?

aniket = means "homeless" but not in the sense of a homeless person due to poverty or something, though the direct meaning makes one "use" in such sense.aniketaH is applied to God who is Omnipresent. So, he is present "everywhere". Since being present everywhere implies that He has no specific Home he is called aniketanaH,aniketaH.

Define the purpose of a graph?

The purpose of a graph is to present information in a visual form. This is because most people find it easier to understand information that is presented in a visual form. One of the best examples (my favourite), which presents a large quantity of data in a very effective graphic is Charles Minard's graph illustrating Napoleon's invasion of Russia and his retreat. // Florence Nightingale, first female member of the Royal Statistical Society and a pioneer in the use of statistical graphs, used polar area diagrams (a kind of pie chart) to present her findings on deaths in the Crimea to Members of the UK Parliament. //

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Which methods is a valid way to present collected data?

publish the data in an academic journal

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The Impact factor of this Journal is 1.359 (2008).

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The Lancet journal is published by the publication company Elseveir, it has been in production for 190 years, since 1823 to the present day, with weekly publications.

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"Applied" is typically the past tense of the verb "apply." So, it is used to refer to actions that occurred or were completed in the past.

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It is an application that analyzes the tense of a given word in a sentence, determining if it is in the past, present, or future tense.

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