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Q: What is the pressure rating of ANSI 125?
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What is Ansi standard 92.2 category 'A'?

Category A is a dielectric rating of an aerial device. Commonly this is known as "barehand" unit rating. In order for a aerial device to be classified as Category A it must be equipped by the manufacturer with an on-board current meter in addition to modifications to the aerial which bond all parts of the machine together and to the chassis. The unit then also must be tested according to ANSI 92.2 2009 section 5 including a dielectric test to the qualification voltage. This is commonly 500 Kv, testing to this range of voltage is only done by select companies across the United States and must be maintained at the intervals in the ANSI standard. It is highly recommended to contact the manufacturer of the aerial device to verify whether the unit in question is equipped for Category A service. If not it can be added by the manufacturer retro actively but is a significant expense. If the equipment was manufactured with Catergory A dielectric rating the information about maintenance requirements will be in the maintenance manual. You can acquire a copy of an excerpt of the ANSI manual of responsibilities from the website, the scaffold industry or the manufacturer of the aerial device.


ANSI SQL is the American National Standards Institute standardized Structured Query Language. ANSI SQL is the base for several different SQL languages such as T-SQL and PL/SQL. ANSI SQL is used to Create, Alter, and View data stored within a database. For more information about ANSI: For more information about SQL:

What does a valve marked 125 SWP mean?

It is the abbreviation for Steam Working Pressure.

What is the ANSI abbreviation for pallet?


WHAT is the equivalent to SMC 435?

ANSI 4135

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The maximum amperage rating of the 125 amp Homeline breaker is 125 amps.

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If the pressure exceeds the normal rating of the fittings and valves.. Normally rated for 125 PSI

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The fittings THREADED are normally rated for 125 PSI but there are ratings over 3,000 PSI if needed such as high pressure steam applications Then one has to take temperature /pressure relationship into consideration higher temperature greater pressure

What is the perfect helmet to ride a bike?

one that has the right rating (ANSI, Snell, CEN...)the one out of those with the right rating that wits your head the best. No use going for a "better" helmet if it doesn't fit.