To convert dollars per pound to dollars per kilogram, you need to know that 1 pound is approximately 0.453592 kilograms. So, to convert, you would divide the price per pound by 0.453592 to get the price per kilogram. For example, if something costs $5 per pound, you would divide $5 by 0.453592 to get approximately $11.02 per kilogram.
1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms
It is 0.283 kilograms.
To convert from lb/sq. in to kg/sq. cm multiply by 0.0704. (As lb = 0.454kg, sq. in = 6.452 sq. cm and so lb/sq. in = 0.454/6.452 = 0.0704 kg/sq. cm)
There are 2.2 pounds (lb) per kilogram (kg). 101 x 2.2 = 222.2 lbs, or 222 lbs 3 ozs.
Use any chart that converts kilograms to pounds. Then take the price per lb, look it up in the kilogram side and the value in the pound side is the price per kg. eg £3.25 per lb: Convert 3.25 kg to lb: 3.25 kg ≈ 7.17 lb → £3.25 per lb is (approx) £7.17 per kg
To convert dollars per pound to dollars per kilogram, you need to know that 1 pound is approximately 0.453592 kilograms. So, to convert, you would divide the price per pound by 0.453592 to get the price per kilogram. For example, if something costs $5 per pound, you would divide $5 by 0.453592 to get approximately $11.02 per kilogram.
1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms
divide price by 2.2 kg/lb
.25 per. lb.
(204oz / 16oz per lb) / 2.2lbs per Kg = 5.79545454545454545454545454...
It was 2.99 per lb.
Price per pound of what? Question needs more direction.
12 pounds per lb
$150 per lb
$8.3251 per lb.