The Marlin 336 RC 32 Special rifle with lever action is offered for sale at prices between $350 and $450. The price depends on the condition of the rifle and any accessories that may come with it.
What is the value of 1903 colt pocket pistol.32 calibre?
The least common multiple of 12, 14, and 16 is 336.You can determine this by looking at the multiples of each number individually and seeing when they match:12: 12, 24, 36...33614: 14, 28, 42...33616: 16, 32, 48...336
The regular price would be $80. You take 32 and divide it by .4 to find your answer.
42, 84, 126, 168, 210, 252, 294, 336, 378, 420, 462, 504 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384
Your marlin model 336 RC(regular carbine) was made by the marlin firearms company in 1948 with the E prefix to the serial number that you provided.
Value depends heavily on condition. Values are typically $300-$550
The first letter in your serial number is the key to finding it's age. You can google marlin dates and find a chart with the years.
The J prefix dates your marlin model 336 to the year 1952.
The letter R prefix dates your Marlin model 336RC(regular carbine) to the time frame of 1957-1958.I have the exact same caliber Marlin 336rc which was made in 1950,and would never sell mine.I love it and it shoots like a dream.
yes they did
Sereal numbe F25405 336 a 32 special , how can I find retail and wholesale value ?
300-350 dollars.
Your Marlin model 336 in the condition that you describe will bring between 300-375 dollars.
F prefix is 1949.