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Q: What is the price on terrazzo floor polishing per square feet?
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What is average price for stripping and polishing vinyl floors?

ARTCO Floor Care Business in Sarasota charges approx. 35 cent per square foot, which includes STRIPPING & REFINISHING..(& apply FOUR COATS FINISH)...of all HARD surface floors..we also offer FREE ESTIMATES... you walk on it- we clean it !!

What is the average price per square foot cleaning concrete floor?

Average price to scrub warehouse for with degreaser for double scrubbing would be approximately 18-22 cents per square foot

How is a price floor different from a price ceiling?

Price floor is a minimum and price ceiling is a maximum.

How is floor price different from a price ceiling?

Price floor is a minimum and price ceiling is a maximum.

When is a price floor not binding?

the quantity of the good demanded with the price floor is less than the quantity demanded of the good without the price floor

What is floor price in share market?

A floor price is a group-imposed price limit on how low a price can be charged for a product.

Give an example of a price ceiling and an example of a price floor?

Price cealing: rent control Price floor: minimun wage

Cost for labor vinyl floor tile 15x15 room?

the price for vinyl tile labor is .60 a square foot not including floor prep

Give an example of a price floor and a price ceiling and the purpose of the controls?

an example of a price floor is the minimum wage

How is price floor different from price ceiling?

A price floor is the minimum price set by the government where as a price ceiling is the maximum price sellers can charge for a good or service.

What is causes a surplus price ceiling or price floor?

A price floor can cause a surplus while a price ceiling can cause a shortage but not always.

How much does Bruce Hardwood charge for a square foot of floor?

In 2010, the average price for a square foot of Bruce Hardwood flooring was $8 per square foot. Bruce Hardwood is based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.