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Q: What is the prime desert that has the most numbers in it where all the numbers are less than 50?
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What is the prime desert with the most numbers under 30?


What animal does the desert have less of?

The deserts usually have fewer numbers of amphibians than most other biomes.

Which number less than 1000 has the most different prime factors?

210 has 4, which is the maximum possible. There are other numbers with 4 different prime factors.

Are most prime numbers also odd numbers?

All prime numbers are odd numbers. If one were even, it would be divisible by two and would, therefore, not be prime.

Where can you use prime numbers?

In every math problem you can ever do you can use prime numbers. 1+3 Both prime numbers. Most numbers are not prime but prime numbers only become a broblem when you try to factor them like in simple algebra.

Why are all prime numbers except 2 odd?

This is because they are only two factors in that number. It may seem to you that all prime numbers odd, but it is not true. Most of them however, are prime numbers. This is why most of the odd numbers are prime numbers.

What is an facts about prime numbers?

Prime numbers are numbers that have only 2 factors, 1 and itself. The number one is not prime or composite. Most prime numbers are odd. There is only one composite even number, 2.

Which numbers below 500 have the most prime factors?

The numbers below 500 having the most prime factors are 256 and 384 with eight prime factors each. Prime factorization is 256=2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 and 84=2x2x2x2x2x2x2x3.

Who is credited with discovering prime numbers?

It is hard to for historians to know exactly who "discovered" prime numbers. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians had some knowledge about prime numbers. However it was the ancient Greeks who get most of the credit for being the "first" to study prime numbers.

Are even numbers prime numbers?

The only prime number that's even is 2 the rest are odd but that doesn't mean ALL odd numbers are prime. Many are but not most.

Why is there more composite numbers than prime numbers?

There are more composite numbers than prime numbers because most numbers have more factors than just 1 and a number itself.

Is 118 a prime number?

no it can be divided by two, most even numbers arnt prime