The prime factorization of 245 is 5^1 * 7^2.
5 x 72 = 245
175/245 = 35/49 = 5/7 these are both prime numbers
To find the prime factorization it helps to first divide by obvious divisors. In this case, the number ends in a 5, so we know it can divide by 5. Do this and you get 49. This is known from times tables to be 7x7. Thus the prime factorization of 245 is 5x7x7.
117 = 3 × 3 × 13245 = 5 × 7 × 7
245 / 549 / 77The answer is 51 * 72
The answer to that is 5*7squared=245.
The prime factorization for 245 is 7^2 x 5
The prime factorization of 245 is 5^1 * 7^2.
245 = 5x72
51 x 72 = 245
5 x 72 = 245
245 = 51 x 72
245 = 5 × 72
245 = 5 * 7 * 7
The prime factorization of 245 is: 5 x 7 x 7
It is: 5*7*7 = 245 or as 5*72 = 245