the LCM of 42 and 126 using a prime factorization is 2 times 2 times 3
First, you have to find the number that is a multiple of 7. That number is 126 because 7 x 18 = 126. Then, you need to find the prime factorization. You can do that by starting with any factor pair of 126 and keep factoring the composite factors until all factors are prime. 126: 2 x 61 Since 2 and 61 are prime, that is the prime factorization of 126.
a prime factorization tree
As a product of its prime factors: 2*3*3*7 = 126 or as 2*32*7 = 126
It is: 126
1997 is already prime; no tree.
the LCM of 42 and 126 using a prime factorization is 2 times 2 times 3
That's not a prime factorization because 9 isn't prime, but it does represent the number 126.
126 o:-)
First, you have to find the number that is a multiple of 7. That number is 126 because 7 x 18 = 126. Then, you need to find the prime factorization. You can do that by starting with any factor pair of 126 and keep factoring the composite factors until all factors are prime. 126: 2 x 61 Since 2 and 61 are prime, that is the prime factorization of 126.
51 3,17
a prime factorization tree
33 11,3
As a product of its prime factors: 2*3*3*7 = 126 or as 2*32*7 = 126
As a product of its prime factors: 2*3*3*7 = 126