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23 and 29 are prime numbers in that range.

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Q: What is the prime number of 20 and 30?
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Prime number between 20 and 30?

The prime numbers between 20 and 30 are 23 and 29.

What is the prime number greater than 20 but less than 30?

23 and 29 are the prime numbers between 20 and 30.

Find the difference between two prime number 20 and 30?

The question does not make sense since 20 and 30 are not prime numbers!

Is a prime number between 20 and 30?

They are 23 and 29 which are both prime numbers

A prime number which is afactor of 20 30 and 105?


What prime number is between 20 and 30?

23 and 29.

What is a prime number bettewn 20 and 30?

They are: 23 and 29

What is the sum of the prime number less than 30 but more than 20?

Prime numbers >20 and <30 are 23 and 29. Total value 52.

You think of a number it is less than 20 it is not a prime number it is an odd number it is not a factor of 30 it is a multiple of 3 what number are you thinking of?

The answer is 9. It is a multiple of 3. 3+3+3=9. It is less than 20: 20-9=11.It is not a prime number. It is odd, and it is not a factor of 30. 30/9=3.3333333333

What are the prime numbers between the number 20 and 30?

They are 23 and 29.

Name a prime number between 20 and 30?

23, 29.

You are a composite number 20 through 30 the sum of your prime factors is the greatest of all the composites between 20 and 30 what are you?