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Differentiation of funtion is rate of chnage of that funtion.

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Q: What is the principle of differentiation?
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Discuss the drivers of differentiation based competitive advantage?

Drivers Differentiation is enhanced by matching competences to the opportunities and laying out strategies of Differentiation, Combination, Focus, Generic and the internet. This principle is used to add value to products or services to motivate clients to pay more.

What is it called when a stem cell becomes specific type of cell?


Why do we have cell differentiation in the body?

to differentiation the cells

What is the result of differentiation?

The result of differentiation is an organism grows larger

What is real product differentiation and imaginary product differentiation?

b benefits

What is differentiation of sin x?

differentiation of sin x + cos x.

What is diffrentioation?

As differentiation has many meanings, please visit

What is the difference between Integration and differentiation?

integration is reverse of differentiation and vice versa

Where does differentiation occur?

In people, differentiation occurs during the fetal development in the uterus.

Differentiation of cells and tissues in the embryo is called?

Embryonic development.

What is the relation between ordinary differentiation and partial differentiation?

in case of partial differentiation , suppose a z is a function of x and y so in partial differentiation of z w.r.t x all other variables except x are considered to be constant but on the contrary in differentiation process they are not considered as constant unless stated .

The process which cells develop uniquie characteristics in structure and function is called?

The process by which cells develop unique characteristics in structure and function is called cell differentiation. During differentiation, cells acquire specialized features that enable them to perform specific roles in the body. This process is crucial for the proper functioning and organization of tissues and organs.