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Majority rule! Lol did that answer your full question?

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Q: What is the principle that ensures that everyone accepts the division of more than half of the people?
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A principle that ensures that everyone accepts the decision of more than half the people?

majority rule.

Why structure expressions in different ways?

The structuring of expressions is to arrive at the correct answer. Using the 'Order of Precedence' : 1. Brackets; 2. Powers and Roots; 3. Multiplication and Division; 4. Addition and Subtraction, ensures that the correct answer is arrived at.

How are addition multiplication division and subtraction different?

The 'Order of Operations' ensures that arithmetic and maths is done in the correct order: 1 Parentheses (brackets) 2 Exponents (Powers and Roots) 3 Multiplication and Division 4 Addition and Subtraction Memory aid is 'PEMDAS' Note: In the calculation below, the parentheses are done first, then the multiplication done last. (8+2)×(9÷3)=30

Why was the bible taken out of schools?

The Bible was taken out of schools due to the principle of separation of church and state, which is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The removal of religious texts, including the Bible, ensures that public schools remain neutral and inclusive to students of all religious backgrounds.

What is the purpose of PEMDAS?

The purpose of PEMDAS is to provide a standardized order of operations for mathematical calculations. It stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right). Following this order ensures that mathematical expressions are evaluated correctly.

Related questions

A principle that ensures that everyone accepts the decision of more than half the people?

majority rule.

How does bicameralism in Congress reflect the principle of federalism?

By giving each State equal representation in the Senate and representation proportional to its population in the House, bicameralism ensures a division of power.

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The principle that ensures all people have the same rights is called?

rule of law

What is cost benefit principle?

Ensures that the value of information exceeds the cost of providing it.

Montesquieu is credited with devising the basic Constitutional principle of?

Montesquieu is credited with devising the basic Constitutional principle of separation of powers. This principle advocates for the division of government authority into three distinct branches - executive, legislative, and judicial - each with its own set of powers and responsibilities. This helps to prevent the concentration of power in any one branch and ensures a system of checks and balances.

Do you slow down when a car passes you?

You can if it ensures everyone's safety.

What is the first basic principle that ensures a satisfactory bond of friendship between two human beings?

Trust and honesty with one another and understanding of perspectives ensures a satisfactory friendship. Answer Respect.

The idea that even a king must follow a law is?

known as the rule of law, which states that no one is above the law, not even those in power. This principle ensures that everyone, including rulers, must abide by the same legal standards and ensures equality under the law. It helps prevent abuse of power and promotes a just and fair society.

What is the legal principle that ensures that previous judicial decisions are authoritatively considered and incorporated into future cases?

Stare decisis

Which organelle ensures that after cell division each daughter cell has the correct number of chromosomes?

The spindle apparatus, which is made of microtubules, helps to ensure that each daughter cell receives the correct number of chromosomes during cell division. It is responsible for organizing and segregating the chromosomes into the daughter cells.

What basic principle ensures that the transcribed RNA molecules is carrying the right genetic message?

Base pairing same as DNA