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Pr(1 out of 3 succeed) = Pr(1 succeeds and 2 fail)

= 3*(0.6)*(0.4)2 = 0.288

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Q: What is the probability of 1 out of three businesses succeed if it succeeds 60 percent of the time?
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What percentage of small businesses succeed?

30 percent

What is the verb for success?

The verb for success is succeed.Other verbs are succeeds, succeeded, and succeeding, depending on the tense.Some examples for you are:"I will succeed in this task"."She succeeds and passes"."I succeeded in my hunting trip"."He is always succeeding all expectations".

When Shippeh attempts a free throw she succeeds 59.4 percent of the time If Shippeh attempts 413 free throws estimate how many times she will succeed?

245. 322

What is verb for success?

succeed other forms are succeeds succeeded succeeding

Who succeeds leopardstar?

While it is not confirmed, it is most likely that Mistyfoot (Mistystar) will succeed Leopardstar.

What is the noun of the verb succeed -?

The noun forms of the verb to succeed is succeeder (one who succeeds) and the gerund, succeeding.Related noun forms are success and succession.

What is the noun of the verb succeed?

The noun forms of the verb to succeed is succeeder (one who succeeds) and the gerund, succeeding.Related noun forms are success and succession.

What is an abstract noun for adjective succeed?

The word succeed is not an adjective; succeed is a verb (succeed, succeeds, succeeding, succeeded).The abstract noun forms are successor, succession, success, and the gerund, succeeding.The adjective forms are successive, successful.

What is the verb of success?

The verb form of success is succeed.Other verbs depending on context are succeeds, succeeding and succeeded.Some example sentences are:"I will succeed on this exam"."He succeeds all his goals"."I am succeeding in this game"."He succeeded and passed the test".

How do you say to secceed in spanish?

Tener éxito - to be successful, to succeedSalir triunfante - to emerge triumphant, come out on top.Suceder - to succeed, as a prince succeeds a kingSeguir a - to succeed, to follow aftersepararse - to secede, withdraw from

What types of businesses will succeed in a poor economy?

Illegal ones.

What is the meaning of the idiom nothing succeeds like success?

The expression "Nothing succeeds like success" is double-edged. On the one hand, if something is a success, it has already succeeded; but the further implication is that success draws more success because it impresses others.