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Q: What is the probability of a number ending in 5 from 00 to 99?
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What is the probability that a random 2-digit number 00-99 does not end in 5?

It is 1/10.

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The smallest two digits number plus the biggest two digits number is?

The smallest two digit number is 00 (a number used as a wire gauge) and the biggest is 99, so the sum of the biggest and smallest 2-digits numbers is 99 (99 + 00).

Find the difference between the largest and smallest 2-digits number?

The smallest two digit number is 00 (a number used as a wire gauge) and the largest is 99, so the difference between the largest and smallest 2-digits numbers is 99 (99 - 00)

What is the probability of picking 6 ball from 99?

events are 99events wanted 6so probability is 6/99

What is the probability of guess a two digit number?

On a number line, the digits from 10 to 99 are all two digit numbers. How many numeber are that? There is a short cut. You can subtract 10 from 99 and that gives you the number of numbers between 10 and 99 including 10, but you need to add one more to include 99 as well. So, 10 from 99 is 89 adding 1 is 90 ,which is the amount of numbers total that are two digit. The probability of guessing a two digit number is 1/90 =D

Number that describes how likely an event will occur?

this is probability 0 means impossible and 1 means certain

What is the probability that a random 2 digit number ia a multiple of 7?

There are (99 - 9) = 90 2-digit numbers.13 of them are multiples of 7.The probability is 13/90 = 14.4% (rounded)

What is greater probability 15 out of 16 or 99 out of 100?

99/100 > 15/16

Which Pittsburgh Steelers number has not been worn in over 75 years?

Every Steelers number from 00 to 99 has been used over the past 75 years. The 00 has not been worn since Johnny Clement in 1948.

A two-digit whole number is randomly selected What is the probability that it is an odd multiple of 3?

The event space comprises the numbers 10 to 99, 90 such numbers. The favourable events are 15, 21, 27, ... , 99. There are 15 such numbers. So the probability is 15/90 = 1/6

What are the two-digit odd numbers?

They're every other counting number beginning with 11 and ending with 99 .