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It changes from country to country. In the UK, it is 49% because the queens head side is heavier.

In the U.S. both sides are completely equal, as heads and tails is treated as an important game there.

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Q: What is the probability of a tossed coin landing with the tail side up?
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If a coin is flip 9 times and get all H What is the probability of an H on next flip?

The probability of the coin landing "head" side up is 50/50, meaning it could land "head" side up or "tail" side up. The odds of any single coin flip are always the same, no matter what happened on the previous tosses -- provided the coin is not a "double-head" (or "double-tail") "trick" coin

What is the probability that a coin will turn up heads?

ignoring the minute chance that it will land on it's side as well as assuming that the air resistance due to the different patterns in the coin is negligible the chance of a coin landing heads is 50%

What is the difference between mathematical probability and experimental probability?

Mathematical probability is how many times something is projected to occur, where as experimental probability is how many times it actually occurred. For example, when discussing the probability of a coin landing heads side up... Mathematical probability is 1:2. However, if you actually carryout an experiment flipping the coin 5 times the Experimental probability may be 2:5

If a coin has been tossed three times and it has landed on heads what are the chances that it will be tails on the next toss?

The odds that a tossed coin will land tails side down remain one in two no matter how many times the coin has previously been tossed.

What is the probability of getting exactly 3 heads if a fair coin is tossed 8 times?

The probability to get heads once is 1/2 as the coin is fair The probability to get heads twice is 1/2x1/2 The probability to get heads three times is 1/2x1/2x1/2 The probability to get tails once is 1/2 The probability to get tails 5 times is (1/2)5 So the probability to get 3 heads when the coin is tossed 8 times is (1/2)3(1/2)5=(1/2)8 = 1/256 If you read carefully you'll understand that 3 heads and 5 tails has the same probability than any other outcome = 1/256 As the coin is fair, each side has the same probability to appear So the probability to get 3 heads and 5 tails is the same as getting for instance 8 heads or 8 tails or 1 tails and 7 heads, and so on

Related questions

What is the probability of a flipped coin landing on its side?

The probability of a coin landing head-side down is 0.5 The probability of landing head-side up is 0.5 Did you mean to ask the probability of it landing on its edge ?

If a coin is flipped 7 times what is the probability of landing on all tails?

each time you flip the coin, probability to end on either side is 50% (or 0.5) (we disregard landing on the side). So, to land on the same side 7 times, it is: 0.5^7

What is the answer to finding the probability when a cube is tossed?

If the cube is uniformly weighted there is a 1 in 6 chance of any side landing face-up

When a coin is flipped what is the probability that it will come up tails?

The side heads is slightly heavier giving it a greater likely hood of landing on tails.

If a coin is flip 9 times and get all H What is the probability of an H on next flip?

The probability of the coin landing "head" side up is 50/50, meaning it could land "head" side up or "tail" side up. The odds of any single coin flip are always the same, no matter what happened on the previous tosses -- provided the coin is not a "double-head" (or "double-tail") "trick" coin

The probability that a coin flip will come up heads?

Assuming: (a) the coin is fair (each side is the same exact weight) (b) the chance of the coin landing in its side is eliminated (c) the coin is not acted on by any forces such as magnetism The chance of the coin displaying heads is 50%, or 1/2.

What is the probability that a coin will turn up heads?

ignoring the minute chance that it will land on it's side as well as assuming that the air resistance due to the different patterns in the coin is negligible the chance of a coin landing heads is 50%

What is the difference between mathematical probability and experimental probability?

Mathematical probability is how many times something is projected to occur, where as experimental probability is how many times it actually occurred. For example, when discussing the probability of a coin landing heads side up... Mathematical probability is 1:2. However, if you actually carryout an experiment flipping the coin 5 times the Experimental probability may be 2:5

If a coin has been tossed three times and it has landed on heads what are the chances that it will be tails on the next toss?

The odds that a tossed coin will land tails side down remain one in two no matter how many times the coin has previously been tossed.

What is the probability of getting exactly 3 heads if a fair coin is tossed 8 times?

The probability to get heads once is 1/2 as the coin is fair The probability to get heads twice is 1/2x1/2 The probability to get heads three times is 1/2x1/2x1/2 The probability to get tails once is 1/2 The probability to get tails 5 times is (1/2)5 So the probability to get 3 heads when the coin is tossed 8 times is (1/2)3(1/2)5=(1/2)8 = 1/256 If you read carefully you'll understand that 3 heads and 5 tails has the same probability than any other outcome = 1/256 As the coin is fair, each side has the same probability to appear So the probability to get 3 heads and 5 tails is the same as getting for instance 8 heads or 8 tails or 1 tails and 7 heads, and so on

What is the probability of a coin tossed 3 times to get 3 heads?

If you look at this in a "fair way," it would be 1/8. However, realistically, it has been proven that the heads side weighs slightly more that the tails side so that percentage (12.5%) would decrease.

What is the probability of rolling a 4 on a number cube and flipping tails on a coin?

The probability of rolling any number on a cube can be represented by the formula: X / the number of variables. Since any cube has 6 sides, the probability of rolling any of the numbers 1 through 6 on the cube, can be represented by the formula: X = 1 / 6 = 16.66% The odds or probability of flipping a coin and landing it on either side can be represented by X = the requested result / the number of variables = 1 /2 = 50% Therefore, given the two questions of probability, there is a much greater chance of landing a coin on "tails" rather than rolling a "4".