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I have had two bypass surgeries. I didn't have an incisional hernia after the first one 8 years ago. But about 6 months after the second one the hernia began developing. It is large now, just under the breast bone, but the Doctors say it isn't large enough to do anything about it. It is about 4 inches across and bulges out about 1 inch in a ballooning manner. Wheeeee....

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Q: What is the probability of an incisional hernia after open-heart bypass surgery?
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What are the main risks of gastric bypass?

The main risks of gastric bypass surgery is a wound infection, incisional hernia, stomal stenosis, stomal ulcer, gallstones, blood clots, leak, long term complications, and inadequate weight loss.

What Type of Bypass heart surgery is LE Bypass surgery?

Lower extremity bypass surgery due to a block artery in the leg(s)

Where can I find info on bypass surgery procedure online?

The cost of a bypass surgery depends on the location the surgery is performed, I imagine bypass surgery on the heart would be pretty costly. To find out the cost of a bypass surgery you can ask your doctor or go to a local hospital and talk to some professionals on that subject.

Is bypass surgery harmful to someone who has diabetes?

Bypass surgery is a life-saving operation in case of major blockages of the heart, and though diabetes poses some risk factor, it does not render the surgery unsafe provided it is under good control. MS Medical Care offers quality cardiology services from our skilled team, including top cardiologists of Mumbai, to facilitate the safest outcomes for diabetic patients in heart surgery. Diabetics would be more susceptible to developing complications like delayed healing of wounds or infection, but with the assistance of sophisticated cardiology scans in Mumbai and personalized pre- and post-operative treatment, the risk is easily circumvented. Our complete cardiology treatment is centered on managing blood sugar levels, determining the condition of the heart, and ensuring the best surgical and post-operative care for a quick recovery. If you or your loved one has diabetes and requires bypass surgery, rely on MS Medical Care for specialized cardiology care suitable to your requirement. Book an appointment today for the correct advice and treatment. Phone: +91 22 4978 8976 Address: Bombay Cotton Mills Estate,Tukaram Bhikaji Kadam Marg, Near Mulchand Chowk Kalachowki, Mumbai 400033

Where can I find information on bypass stomach surgery?

Yes there are many websites that can give you cost of the surgery. They are or

What does bypass surgery entail?

This question cant be answered do to not specific enough detail. there are many forms of bypass surgery. There is Gastric bypass which envolves the stomach and there is also the Coronary artery bypass surgery which involves the blood vessels.

What is a gastric bypass medicaid?

Gastric bypass is weight reduction surgery. To qualify for madicaid coverage in receiving a bypass surgery one must be considered fully disabled without surgery.

Are pictures of the surgery usually taking during bypass surgery?

I am not sure if you are interested in the heart bypass surgery or the gastric bypass procedure. I do not believe any pictures are taken during the procedures.

Where is there information on the Internet about dieting after gastric bypass surgery?

You can find information about dieting after gastric bypass surgery here: and

What Vein is borrowed for cardiac bypass surgery?

Great Saphenous vein is "borrowed" for cardiac bypass surgery

What do doctors do when they perform coronary bypass surgery?

Cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons perform coronary bypass surgery.

Why do you have to be on a liquid diet prior to gastric bypass surgery?

You have to be on a liquid diet prior to surgery to prepare your stomach for the upcoming gastric bypass surgery.