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Chance of 2, 6, or J on the first draw is (4/52+4/52+4/52) = 12/52 = 3/13 = 23.1%

Chance of 2, 6, or J on the second draw is (4/51+4/51+4/51) = 12/51, as long as the first draw did not produce the correct card. (1-3/13)*12/51 = 10*12/13*51 = 18.1%

Chance of 2, 6, or J on the third draw is (4/50+4/50+4/50) = 12/50 = 6/25, as long as the first two draws did not produce the correct card (58.8%)*.24 = 14.1%

Total probability = 55.3%.

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Q: What is the probability of drawing a J or 2 or 6 from a deck of 52 cards using 3 chances?
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What is the probability of drawing an ace of spades on the first draw and a four of spades on the second draw using sampling without replacement.... how do you go about doing this problem?

There are 52 cards in the deck.The probability of drawing the ace of spades on the first draw is 1/52 .Since you don't put the first card back, there are then 51 cards in the deck.The probability of drawing the 4 of spades on the second draw is 1/51 .The probability of both occuring is (1/52) x (1/51) = 1/2,652 = 0.037707 % (rounded)

What is the probability of picking an ace and a king from a pack of playing cards?

The absolute probability is even, given one draw. However, statistically, the chance of drawing an ace and a king as two cards at random is 1: 81.25Chance of drawing first card is either an ace or a king is 8: 52 (1 in 6.5).Now the remaining other card (ace or king) is 4 in 51 (1 in 12.5)*In Blackjack, the drawing of any face card or 10 improves the odds of a natural blackjack using only one deck to 1: 20.8 but the show used holds more than one deck.

What is the probability of drawing an Ace or a Jack from a deck of 52 cards?

approx 15 %Reason: There are 2 cards in each suit of 13 that are either an Ace or a Jack.So there is a 2 out of 13 (or 8 out of 52) chance, which is 15.38% chance.IN FRACTION AND USING PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONStotal number of cases : 52C1favorable cases : in cards there are 4 aces and 4 jacks, therefore 4+4 = 8P (of drawing an ace or a jack) = 8/52= 2/13odds against this question is : 2/(13-2)= 2/11 [ANS.]

What is theoretical probability mathematical wise?

Theoretical probability:Theoretical probability is when you decide what is the probability of something using the information that is given to you!

How do you assign numerical values to indicate the probability of an event?

There are three main methods for assigning probabilities Following the classical definition of probability Using relative frequencies Using subjective probability

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