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let A be the event that card drawn is a diamond

then n(A)=13 so,


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Q: What is the probability of drawing a diamond in a pack pf 52 cards?
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Spade: 1 in 4 Ace: 1 in 13

What is the probability of getting a diamond in a pack of cards?


What is the probability of picking a diamond from a standard pack of playing cards?

The probability is 0.25

A pack of cards is shuffled and one is drawn at random this happens a hundred times how many times would there be a diamond?

The probability of drawing a diamond in a standard deck of cards is 1 in 4. The probability of drawing a diamond if this is repeated 100 times is still 1 in 4, which translates to 25 in 100, but since this is a random process you would not expect diamonds exactly 25 times.

What is the probability of drawing a heart or club from a pack of cards?

Probability of drawing a heart: 1/4 Probability of drawing a club: 1/4 Probability of drawing a heart or a club: 1/4 + 1/4 = 2/4 = 1/2

What is the probability of picking an ace from a pack of playing cards?

The probability of drawing an Ace from a standard deck of 52 cards is 4 in 52, or 1 in 13, or about 0.07692.

What is the probability drawing a black king from a pack of cards?

Assuming there are no Joker cards the chance is one in twenty six. There are fifty two cards in a pack and only two of them are black kings.

What is the probability of drawing a black card from a pack of cards?

Assuming there are no Joker cards the chance is one in twenty six. There are fifty two cards in a pack and only two of them are black kings.

What is the probability of picking a heart or diamond from a 52 pack of playing cards?

1/2 or 0.5.

What is the probability of picking a heart or diamond from a pack of playing cards?

number of cards in a deck =52 number of cards that are heart =13 number of cards that are diamond =13 Probability that the card drawn is a heart or a diamond=13/52 +13/52 =26/52 or 1/2

What is the probability when you take a card from a pack it will be a diamond?

There are 4 suits in a deck of cards; each suit has a probability of being selected of 1/4. So, probability of a diamond is 1/4 or 0.25.

What is the probabilty of getting a black card and then a red king from a deck of playing cards?

There are 52 cards in a pack of playing cards (excluding jokers). The chance of drawing at random a black card from a full pack of cards is 1/2, or 0.5. There are now 51 cards in the pack, two of which are red kings. The probability of drawing a red king from this pack is 2/51. 0.5 x 2/51 = 0.01960784 So, the probability is approximately 0.0196, or 1.96%.