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For any particular card, (eg an 8) there are 4 such cards in a pack of 52. So the probability of drawing one of these is 4/52, or 1 in 13. After restoring the card to the pack and doing it again the probability is a further 1/13. So the overall probability of doing the 2 things in succession is 1/13 x 1/13 = 1/169.

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Q: What is the probability of drawing an eight and then drawing another eight assuming the first card is put back in he deck before the second draw?
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What is the probability of drawing the ace of hearts first than the ace of diamonds?

The probability of drawing the Ace of Hearts from a standard deck of 52 cards is 1 in 52. The probability of then drawing the Ace of Diamonds is then 1 in 51. Multiply these two probabilities together, and you get 1 in 2652, or about 0.0003771.The probability of drawing the ace of hearts from a deck before drawing the ace of diamonds, ignoring any other cards, is 1/2.Note: Both of these answers are correct. It depends on your point of view. They've been left so that you, dear reader, can think about it.

What is the probability of drawing two black kings from a standard deck of 52 cards?

The probability depends on:whether the cards are drawn randomly,how many cards are drawn, andwhether the cards are replaced before drawing the next card.If only 2 cards are drawn randomly, and without replacement, the probability is 0.00075 approximately.

What is the probability of picking a jack and then a queen from a deck of cards?

The answer depends on whether or not the first card is replaced before drawing the second.

What is the probability of drawing at least one ace from a poker deck on two draws if the first card is replaced before the second drawn?

2 in 52, or 1 in 26, or about 0.03846.

In mathematical terms what is replacement?

Replacement mean we put "it" back before the next step. For example, in drawing cards, replacement means we put the card back before we draw another one. So given an arbitrary collection of objects we want to know what the probability of an event is with replacement. This is equivalent to saying what is the probability of an event when we remove an item from the collections, replace it, mix up the collection, and remove an item again. We can continue doing this infinite number of times.

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What is the probability drawing an ace followed by a king?

If only two cards are drawn from a standard deck of cards, with the first card replaced before drawing the second, the answer is 0.005917 (approx). If the first card is not replaced, the probability increases to 0.006033.

What is the probability of drawing the ace of hearts first than the ace of diamonds?

The probability of drawing the Ace of Hearts from a standard deck of 52 cards is 1 in 52. The probability of then drawing the Ace of Diamonds is then 1 in 51. Multiply these two probabilities together, and you get 1 in 2652, or about 0.0003771.The probability of drawing the ace of hearts from a deck before drawing the ace of diamonds, ignoring any other cards, is 1/2.Note: Both of these answers are correct. It depends on your point of view. They've been left so that you, dear reader, can think about it.

What is the probability of drawing two black kings from a standard deck of 52 cards?

The probability depends on:whether the cards are drawn randomly,how many cards are drawn, andwhether the cards are replaced before drawing the next card.If only 2 cards are drawn randomly, and without replacement, the probability is 0.00075 approximately.

What is the probability of picking a jack and then a queen from a deck of cards?

The answer depends on whether or not the first card is replaced before drawing the second.

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it depends on the total number of marbles you have!

What is the probability that both cards are spades?

The answer will depend on:whether the cards are drawn at random andwhether or not the first card is replaced before drawing the second.It also depends on how many times the experiment - of drawing two cards - is repeated. If repeated a sufficient number of times the probability will be so close to 1 as to make no difference from a certainty.

What is the probability of drawing at least one ace from a poker deck on two draws if the first card is replaced before the second drawn?

2 in 52, or 1 in 26, or about 0.03846.

What is the probability of drawing a red ten or a black ace?

The answer depends onwhether the card(s) are drawn from a normal deck of playing cards,whether they are at random,how many cards are drawn,whether the cards are replaced before drawing the next card.Thus, if 49 cards are drawn without replacement from an ordinary deck, whether randomly or not, the probability is 1.For a single card drawn randomly, the probability is 1/13.The answer depends onwhether the card(s) are drawn from a normal deck of playing cards,whether they are at random,how many cards are drawn,whether the cards are replaced before drawing the next card.Thus, if 49 cards are drawn without replacement from an ordinary deck, whether randomly or not, the probability is 1.For a single card drawn randomly, the probability is 1/13.The answer depends onwhether the card(s) are drawn from a normal deck of playing cards,whether they are at random,how many cards are drawn,whether the cards are replaced before drawing the next card.Thus, if 49 cards are drawn without replacement from an ordinary deck, whether randomly or not, the probability is 1.For a single card drawn randomly, the probability is 1/13.The answer depends onwhether the card(s) are drawn from a normal deck of playing cards,whether they are at random,how many cards are drawn,whether the cards are replaced before drawing the next card.Thus, if 49 cards are drawn without replacement from an ordinary deck, whether randomly or not, the probability is 1.For a single card drawn randomly, the probability is 1/13.

In mathematical terms what is replacement?

Replacement mean we put "it" back before the next step. For example, in drawing cards, replacement means we put the card back before we draw another one. So given an arbitrary collection of objects we want to know what the probability of an event is with replacement. This is equivalent to saying what is the probability of an event when we remove an item from the collections, replace it, mix up the collection, and remove an item again. We can continue doing this infinite number of times.

What is the probability of drawing two 10s in card deck?

Clearly, it is necessary to draw at least two cards. How many are drawn? Are the cards drawn at random? Is the first replaced before drawing the second? Please edit the question to include more context or relevant information.