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Q: What is the probability of flipping a coin 6 times and having them all land heads?
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What is the probability of flipping a coin 3 times and getting 3 heads?

The probability of flipping a coin 3 times and getting 3 heads is 1/2

The probability of flipping a coin three times and getting two heads is?

There are 8 permutations of flipping a coin 3 times, or of flipping 3 coins one time. They are, with the permutations of two heads bolded...TTTTTHTHTTHHHTTHTHHHTHHH... thus, the probability of flipping a coin 3 times and getting 2 heads is 3 in 8, or 0.375.

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What is the probability of flipping a coin 4 times and it landing on heads each time?

p(heads)= 0.5 p(heads)^4= 0.0625

What is the probability of flipping a coin and getting heads 7 times in a row?

i got 1/941192

What is the probability of flipping 25 heads in a row?

The best way to think about this is the following way: What is the probability of flipping heads once? 1/2 What is the probability of flipping heads twice? 1/4 (1/2 * 1/2) Using this we can derive the equation to find the probability of flipping heads any number of times. 1/2n Using this we plug in 25 for n and get 1/225 or as a decimal 2.98023224 x 10-8 or as odds 1:33,554,432

What is Probability of Flipping a coin five times in a row and having it land on heads?

The probability of getting a heads on the first flip is 1/2. Similarly, the probability on each subsequent flip is 1/2, since they are independent events. The probability of several independent events happening together is the product of their individual probabilities.

What is the probability of flipping a coin 4 times and getting 4 heads?

You still still have a 1:2 chance of getting heads regardless of the times you flip.

What is the probability of flipping 4 times and landing on heads each time?

The probability of heads is 0.5 each time.The probability of four times is (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5) = 0.0625 = 1/16 = 6.25% .

What is the theoretical probability of flipping a coin 60 times?

Theoretical is 50% Heads, 50% tails: 30-Heads, 30-Tails (theoretical)

What is the probability of flipping a coin and having it land on heads two times in a row?

We have no way of knowing the probability of any given person flipping any given coin at any given time. But for any two flips of an honest coin, the probability that both are tails is 25% . (1/4, or 3 to 1 against)