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i don't know figure it out yourself... >_>

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Pr(at most 1 H) = Pr(0 H) + Pr(1 H) = 1/16 + 4/16 = 5/16

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Q: What is the probability of getting at most one head when four coins are tossed?
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If four fair coins are tossed what is the probability of getting two tails?


Four coins tossed what is the probability of tossing all heads?

If they are fair coins, it is 1/16.

What is the probability that exactly two coins come up heads when four coins are tossed?

6/16 = 3/8

What is the probability of getting three tails and a head when a coin is tossed four times?

The probability is 1/4

A coin is tossed four times What is the probability of getting 4 heads in a row?

It is 1/16.

If four coins are tossed what is the probability of tossing all heads?

The probability is 1/21/21/2*1/2=1/16, or 0.0625 or 6.25%

What is probability of getting one head if you toss four coins simultaneously?

one out of four

What is the probability of tossing four coins and getting four heads if the first two tosses are heads?

The conditional probability is 1/4.

What is the probability of flipping four coins and getting four heads?

0.54 or 0.0625 or 1/16.

What is the probability of tossing four coins and getting tails on all four?

Assuming it is a fair coin, the probability is 1/24 = 1/16.

If four coins are tossed what is the probability of getting three heads and one tail?

With 4 coins you have 24 (16) possibilities. If we wanted a specific coin to land 'tails' while the others landed 'heads' we would have one possibilty out of 16. Since we don't care which of the coins lands 'tails,' we have four chances in 16 or a 25 percent chance.

Probability distribution of four coins being tossed?

4H, 0T: 0.06253H, 1T: 0.252H, 2T: 0.3751H, 3T: 0.250H, 4T: 0.0625Sum = 1.0000