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For mains electricity it is close to 0 if you behave responsibly. For static electricity it depends on the environment that you live in: indoors in cold climates, with synthetic fibres in carpets and dry air, the probability is quite high. However, many people will not register the shock even if there is an electrical discharge.

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Why do I feel a tingly sensation after getting an electric shock?

You feel a tingly sensation after getting an electric shock because of the shocked heart.

Why getting an electric shock?

because we are wet

Is pastor terry Jones alive?

He died after getting burnt by an electric shock!

How do I remedy touching ground wires?

For getting proper earthing. And it will reduce the chance for getting electric shock

Why are you getting a slight shock from your electric pump?

The Earthing of your electric pump night not be proper or improper insulation may be the reason.

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The electric eel's adaptations is #1, the electric shock.

What does the insulator do in a light bulb?

The insulator in a light bulb prevents us from getting an electric shock.

How do you prevent getting an electric shock?

Turn the power off and check for voltage before you touch it

Whats the difference between electric shock and electrocuted?

Electric shock is to electrocuted as burned is to cremated. Electric shock is the same as electrocuted, except that electrocuted has actually induced death; to kill by electric shock.

Why we can't retrieve our hands when we getting electric shock?

you can't move because your muscles tighten up

Whether muscles get paralyzed on electric shock?

Muscles do not get paralyzed on electric shock from the AED.

Would you get an Electric shock when touching a radiator?

It is unlikely to get an electric shock from touching a standard radiator as they are usually not electrically charged. However, if a radiator is being used improperly or has a fault in its electrical connection, there is a possibility of getting an electric shock. It's always best to have electrical systems checked by a qualified professional to ensure safety.