3 in 52 (jack, queen, king of spades)
The probability of drawing a spade or an ace from a 52 card deck of standard playing cards is 16 / 52 or approximately 30.8%. There are 13 spades in a standard deck of cards. There are four aces in a standard deck of cards. One of the aces is a spade. So, 13 + 4 - 1 = 16 spades or aces to choose from. Since we have a total of 52 cards, the probability of selecting an ace or a spade is 16 / 52 or approximately 30.8%.
The probability of NOT drawing a spade from a standard deck of cards is 75 is an example of a mistated question - a standard deck of cards is 52, not 75.
The probability of drawing 4 spades from a deck of 52 cards is 11 in 4165. The probability of the first spade is 13 in 52, or 1 in 4. The second spade is 12 in 51, or 4 in 17. The third spade is 11 in 50. The fourth spade is 10 in 49. Multiply these four probabilities together and you get 440 in 166600, or 11 in 4165.
There are 13 hearts in a 52 card deck. The probability of selecting a heart out of the deck is 13/52 or 1/4 or 0.25.
The probability is 0.4231, approx.
3 in 52 (jack, queen, king of spades)
The probability of drawing a spade or an ace from a 52 card deck of standard playing cards is 16 / 52 or approximately 30.8%. There are 13 spades in a standard deck of cards. There are four aces in a standard deck of cards. One of the aces is a spade. So, 13 + 4 - 1 = 16 spades or aces to choose from. Since we have a total of 52 cards, the probability of selecting an ace or a spade is 16 / 52 or approximately 30.8%.
The probability of drawing a red spade is zero. There are no red spades in a standard deck.
The probability of NOT drawing a spade from a standard deck of cards is 75 is an example of a mistated question - a standard deck of cards is 52, not 75.
The probability of drawing a spade from a standard deck of 52 cards is 13 in 52, or 1 in 4, or 0.25.
Spade 25% Ace ~8%
From a 52 card deck, probability is 1/52.
A card is drawn from a standard deck of playing cards. what is the probability that a spade and a heart is selected?
The answer depends on how many cards are drawn. If you draw 40 cards, the probability is 0. The probability of not drawing a spade in a random draw of one card from a standard deck is 39/52 = 3/4.