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P(x1=5) = 1/6, P(x2=5) = 1/6

P(5 U 5) = P(x1=5)∙P(x2=5) = (1/6)∙(1/6) = 1/36

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Q: What is the probability of rolling 5 die the same two times in a row?
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A fair die is rolled 180 times what is the probability of rolling a six?

The probability of rolling a six is 1 out of 6, or 1/6. Now, perhaps your question is: If I roll a die 180 times, what is the probability of rolling a six at least once. This is the same as rolling a die 180 times and never once rolling a six. The probability is (5/6)180 which is 5.59 x 10-15.

When rolling one die 12 times what is the probability of rolling a 2?

The probability of rolling at least one 2 when rolling a die 12 times is about 0.8878. Simply raise the probability of not rolling a 2 (5 in 6, or about 0.8333) to the 12th power, getting about 0.1122, and subtract from 1.

What are the odds of rolling 6 same numbers in a six sided die?

The probability of rolling the same number six times on a standard die is (1 in 6)5 or 1 in 7776, or about 0.0001286. The reason the exponent above is five instead of six is that the probability of rolling "some" number on one die is 1, so you need to look at the probability of the other five dice matching the first die. It would not matter if you rolled one die six times, or six dice one time. The odds are the same.

What is the probability of rolling exactly 2 twos when rolling a die 4 times?

It is 0.375 = 3/8

Is it true that the probability of rolling a six with a fair die five times in a row is?

The probability of rolling a six with a standard die five times in a row is (1 in 6)5 which equals 1 in 7776 or about 0.0001286.

What is the prbability of rolling a five on one die three times in a row?

The chance is one in 216 (6^-3).The probability of rolling a five once is 1/6. Rolling a five again, on the same die or another, will still have a 1/6 chance. Therefore, the probability of the event occurring twice is 1/36 (1/6^2). Three times has a probability of 1/216 (1/6^3), and so on. It does not matter what die is used, as long as it has six sides.The probability p of rolling a number x times consecutively on an s sided die isp=s^-x

What is the probability of rolling a 5 three times on a die?

The probability is 1/6 x 5=5/12

What are the chances of rolling a six on a die six times in a row?

The probability of rolling a six on a die 6 times in a row is 1 in 46,656, or 0.000021433. The calculate that, the probability of rolling one 6 is 1 in 6. Simply raise that to the sixth power to get 1 in 46,656.

A die is rolled 10 times what the probbility all are 6?

The probability of rolling a 6 is 1/6. The probability of rolling 10 times a 6 is (1/6)10 or 1.654X10-8.

What is the probability of rolling 2 threes in a row with a single six sided die?

The probability of rolling a 3 with a standard die is 1 in 6. The probability of doing that two times in a row is 1 in 6 squared, or 1 in 36.

What is the probability of not rolling a 6 on a die?

The probability of not rolling a 6 is 5/6.

If a hexahedral die is rolled two times what is the probability of not rolling a five both times?
