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Q: What is the probability of rolling a five on one dime three times in a row?
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A dime is toss three time probability that it will come up head all three times is .125?

Yes, if it is a fair coin.

What is the probability of rolling a 5 on the fair number cube and tails on a dime?

1 6th and 1 half

Maria flips a dime four times What is the probability that she will get at least two heads?

It is 0.6875

If you flip a dime four times what is the probability that you will get at least two heads?

2 out of 4 chance

A nickel and a dime are rolling down a bridge. The nickel falls off. Why?

The dime had more cents.

How many times was dimebag darrell shot?

Dime Bag Darrell was shot three times.

If you flip a penny a nickel a dime and a quarter simultaneously what is the probability that the penny and the nickel will come up heads and the dime and quarter come up tails?

1/16 These are four independent events each with a 1/2 probability. The probability that all four occur (penny and nickels heads and dime and quarter tails) is: 1/2*1/2*1/2*1/2=(1/2)4=1/16.

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What is the probability that a dime and penny are tossed in the air both that both land on heads?

One out of every four flips

What is the probability of getting one head and 3 tails on 4 coins?

My best thing Is to use a dime , that's the best luck you can get ... TRUST me , there Is NO Doubt (: & Throw the dime up in the air 4 times ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Rafaelrz. The probability of getting one head and 3 tails on a 4 coin toss is; 4C3 x (1/2)4 = 4!/[3!(4-3)!] x [1/2]4 = 0.25 or 25%

Multiplication to find the number of possible outcomes for tossing a dime and rolling a die?

1/2 * 1/6

What is the probability of getting a 5 on a fair number cube and tails on a dime?

1/5 and 1/2.............. 1/10 of getting both in a row