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The answer depends on how many dice you roll and how often.

If you roll four dice once, the probability of getting a double AND two odd numbers is 264/1296 = 11/54

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Q: What is the probability of rolling both doubles and two odd numbers?
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The probability of rolling two even numbers on two standard dice is 0.52, or 0.25.

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The probability of rolling a six on either (or both) die is 11/36.

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A standard number cube has numbers 1-6, so there's a 50% (or one-half) chance of rolling both an odd or even number.

Any certain outcomes about rolling both even numbers?

The answer depends on what is being rolled, how many times and also on what variable is being recoded.

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There is a 1/2 chance of rolling an odd number on either die, so 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4. 1/4 is the probability that both die will have odd numbers, so 3/4 is the probability that at least one is even.

What is the Probability of rolling divisors of 6 on both dice?

It is 20/36 = 0.55... recurring.

What is the probability that you will spin a 4 and roll a 4?

Assuming each possible number on a spinner has the same probability and an unbiased die is being rolled, the answer depends on how many numbers are on the spinner, and how many times the number 4 appears on each.To find the probability, workout the probability of spinning a 4 on the spinner and the probability of rolling a 4 on the die; then as spinning the spinner has no effect on rolling the die, they are independent events and to get the probability of both happening multiply them together.The probability of success is the number of successful outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes, giving:Probability(spinning a 4) = how_many_4s_are_on_the_spinner / how_many_numbers_are_on_the_spinnerProbability(rolling a 4) = how_many_4s_are_on_the_die / how_many_numbers_are_on_the_dieProbability(spinning a 4 and rolling a 4) = Probability(spinning a 4) × Probability(rolling a 4)Examples:an octagonal spinner with the numbers 1-4 on it each twice and a tetrahedral die (as used in D&D games) with the numbers 1-4 on it→ pr(spin 4 & roll 4) = 2/8 × 1/4 = 1/16a decagonal spinner with the numbers 0-9 and a tetrahedral die with the numbers 0-3 on it→ pr(spin 4 & roll 4) = 1/10 × 0/4 = 0a decagonal spinner with the numbers 0-9 and a standard die with the numbers 1-6 on it→ pr(spin 4 & roll 4) = 1/10 × 1/6 =1/60

What is the probability of rolling either a 6 or 4 on one roll of a dice?

The probability of rolling either a 6 or 4 on one roll of a dice is two thirds (one sixth plus one sixth because both four and six have a probability of one sixth.