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The probability, with a standard dart board, is 0.

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Q: What is the probability of scoring 23 with one shot on a dartboard?
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What is the probability of scoring 23 on a dartboard in one shot?

Dude or dudette. Man the scoring only goes up to 20!! So that is like imoossible

What one type of shot is used in scoring a 'basket'?

please answer my question ! x

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one in sixsame for any number

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If you throw a fair die one time, the chance of a four is 1/6 or about .1667

How is scoring done in boxing?

for every clean shot from the belt to the head (not the back) on the knuckle part of the glove counts as one point

Which type of dartboard is better?

the one that doesnt fall of the wall

What is the standard and or accepted value in a game of darts?

In a game of darts, the most commonly accepted value or standard is to aim for the triple 20 segment on the dartboard. This segment is worth 60 points and is considered the ideal target for scoring high points in a single throw.

What is the probability of not one?

The probability of not one is zero.

How many inner wire rings are on a dartboard?

There is one outer ring and 4 inner rings.

How do you make a sentence with scoring?

In bowling, scoring is important to see who has one the game.

Why probability is equal to one?

One is the probability, or certain to occur.

Is it possible to calculate the probability of a complex event such as blindfolding an average person and asking them to score a basket on a basketball court?

For complex events, it is possible to calculate the probability of events, but often extremely difficult. In the given example, for an "average" person (that would need some definition to start with) you would need to know the probability of them scoring a basket without the blindfold - this can be found by observing a number of "average" people attempting a number of baskets and seeing how many are successful (the greater the number of observations, the better the accuracy of the [estimation of the] probability. Also, the effect of blindfolding them needs to be found - this is not so easy, but some measure could possibly be made - and then combining this effect and the probability found some estimation of the probability of the required event can be calculated. Someone has analysed tennis scoring and given the probability of one of the players winning a point (which can be estimated fairly accurately through past observation) has calculated the probability of them winning the match; however, each match (and even a game within a match) can be affected by further factors (eg one player suffering a small injury) which modify the probability of winning a point, but a calculated probability can still be made.