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The answer will depend on where you are, and the local weather forecast.

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Q: What is the probability of seeing a rainbow tomorrow?
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How is rainbow related to everyday life?

rainbow give us the hope of tomorrow. while seeing a rainbow we should remember the promise of god

If the probability that it will rain tomorrow is 0.38 then the probability that it will not rain tomorrow is?

LetA= rainP(A)=0.38LetA'= not rainP(A') =1 - P(A)=1 - 0.38=0.62so probability of it will not rain tommrow is 0.62

If the probability that it will snow tomorrow is 43 what is the the probability that it will not snow?

If you mean 43%, then the probability that it will not snow is 57%, 0.57 or 57/100.

What is the probability of tomorrow being a Sunday?

There are 7 days in a week. One of those is Sunday. Therefore the probability at any given time that tomorrow will be Sunday is 1/7.

Why is it possible to see a circular rainbow when your in an airplane yet its impossible from the ground?

When you're in an airplane, you have a different perspective and are often above the clouds where the conditions are right for a circular rainbow to form due to the angle of sunlight and water droplets. On the ground, the angle of sunlight and the surface of the Earth make it difficult for all the necessary conditions to align for a circular rainbow to be visible.

Is the probability that it will rain tomorrow is 28 percent an example of classical probabilityor empirical probability or subjective probability?

Subjective based on information given

What is the definition of an event that has a probability of 1?

It's the probability that I will take another breath of air, or the probability that tomorrow will come, or the probability that the moon will go through all its phases for the next month.

If there is a 30 chance of rain on tomorrow what is the probability it will not rain on tomorrow?

There is a 70% chance it will not rain tommorrow! There is a 70% chance it will not rain tommorrow!

What is the probability that the earth will rotate tomorrow?

100% 1 out of 1 1/1

The weather forecast says there is a 60 percent chance of rain today and a 40 percent chance of rain tomorrow What is the probability that it will rain today and tomorrow?

To find the probability that it will rain both today and tomorrow, you multiply the individual probabilities: 0.60 (chance of rain today) * 0.40 (chance of rain tomorrow) = 0.24 or 24%. Therefore, there is a 24% chance that it will rain both today and tomorrow.

Can you die from a rainbow?

Of course not. Seeing a rainbow is a happy sight. Consider yourself lucky to be able to enjoy the wonders of nature.

I need to meet with twelve people. I only have eight appointments. What is the probability of seeing them all that day?

The answer depends on whether you seeing them - in passing - is enough to qualify as seeing them or whether you actually need to meet with them. If you do need to meet with all twelve and are meeting them only one at a time, then the probability is 0. If you can call group meetings, the probability can be raised to 1.