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1/3 and 1/3.

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Q: What is the probability of showing a number less than 3 and greater than 3 on one die?
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What is the probability of rolling a number less than 3 and greater than 4 with one roll of a number cube?

The probability is zero. No number can be less than 3 and greater than 4.

What is the probability of getting a number greater than 1 or less than 5 when rolling a number cube?

50% or 3 out of 6.

Which is not a possible vaule for a probability?

Probability value can only be real number between 0 to 1, therefore, it cannot be greater than 1 or less than 0 or a complex number.

What is the probability that you will roll no number greater that 3 with two dices?

The probability of rolling a total of 3 or less on two dice is 3 in 36 or 1 in 12.

What is the probability of rolling a number cube a number less than 5 and spin a number greater than 5?

There is insufficient information on the shape of the spinner.

How would you find the probablility of a number less than three or a number greater than five on a spinner that is numbered from one to eight?

There are 2 numbers less than 3, so the probability in this case is 2 in 8, or 1 in 4. There are 3 numbers greater than 5, so the probability in this case is 3 in 8. There are 5 numbers less than 3 or greater than 5, so the probability in this case is 5 in 8.

What is the probability of getting a number less than 5 on all cubes if you roll 5 of them?

Assuming the 5 cubes are standard, unbiased dice with the numbers 1-6 on the faces: There are 4 numbers {1, 2, 3, 4} which are less than 5. Each has a probability of 1/6 of appearing on 1 die, thus each die has a probability of 4 × 1/6 = 4/6 = 2/3 of showing a number less than 5 → probability of all 5 dice showing a number less than five = (2/3)⁵ = 32/243 ≈ 0.132 = 13.2 %

How often is the probability of the complement of an event less than the probability of the event itself?

It depends on the events. The answer is 0.5*(Total number of events - number of events with probability = 0.5) That is, discount all events such that their probability (and that of their complement) is exactly a half. Then half the remaining events will have probabilities that are greater than their complement's.

When probability is less then 0 what happen?

Probability can not be less than 0 or greater than 1. A probability of 0 means there is no possibility whatsoever of an event occurring. A probability of 1 means that the event is guaranteed to occur no matter what.

Are the probability values always greater than or equal to 0 or less than or equal to 1 or all positive numbers?

Probability values are never negative and are always between 0-1 according to the definition Probability of A= Number of outcomes classified as A/Total number of possible outcomes

What is the probability of rolling a number than 4 on one roll of a die?

It is not clear whether the question is for "less than 4" or "greater than 4".

What is the probability that the number rolled will be less than 6?

The probability of rolling a number less than 6 on a die would be 5/6.