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Taking the aces as their face value of 1, then there 6 cards valued 6 or less in each suit in the deck, so 24 cards in total. 24/52 simplifies to 6/13, or a 46.2% chance.

If the aces are 'high' and count as being higher than 6, then it is 5/13, or 38.5% chance.

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Q: What is the probability that a card will be 6 or less in a deck of 52 cards?
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What is the probability of drawing a card less than 6 from a deck of cards?

Counting Ace as less than 6, then there are 20 cards out of 52 less than 6, for a probability 5/13. Counting Ace as high with 2 being the lowest card, there are 16 cards less than 6 for a probability of 4/13.

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If you consider an Ace as 1, then first make sure that the first card is less than a 7. There are 6 numbers below 7, and 24 cards below 7. The second card has to be an exact number, which is always 4/52. Both cards together make a 6/13 * 1/13 = 6/169 probability.

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A card is drawn from a deck what is the probability that it is a nine or a club?

The answer i got was 1 3/26 The cards are red or black, so the chance of getting black is 1/2 The cards less than nine is 1-8. There are 4 of each value, so 8 cards times 4 suits equals 32. The chance of getting a card less than nine is 32/52, or 8/13 1/2 plus 8/13 is 13/26 plus 16/ 26, which equals 29/26, or 1 3/26 That is how i solved it.

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Two cards are randomly chosen from a standard deck of 52 playing cards without replacement. What is the probability both cards will be hearts?

pr(success) = number_of_ways_of_success/total_number_of_ways. As the two selections are independent, multiply the probability that the first card is a heart by the probability the second card is a heart. There are 13 hearts and 52 cards in a deck → pr(1st card heart) = 13/52 = 1/4 After 1 card has been selected, there are 51 cards left and if the first was a heart, there are only 12 hearts left → pr(2nd card heart also) = 12/51 = 4/17 → pr(1st two heart) = pr(1st card heart) × pr(2nd card heart) = 1/4 × 4/17 = 1/17

What is the probablity of picking a number less than 4 from a deck of cards?

With Aces high, the probability is 8/52 = 2/13.

Two cards are drawn from a deck of cards. what is the probability that both cards are spades?

This question is a little bit tricky. In a deck of 52 cards, one-fourth or 13 cards are spades. So, the chance of drawing one spade = 13/52 or 0.25. If a second card drawn, there's one less spade in the deck, so the probability on the second draw is 12/51. The probability of drawing two spades from a deck is 0.25 x 12/51 = 0.058824 This is called sampling without replacement. In quality control, it is very common to sample without replacement as bad parts are discarded. If we consider drawing one card, putting it back in the deck, regardless if it is a spade or not, then reshuffling the deck and drawing the second card, the probability is 0.25 x 0.25 = 0.0625, a bit higher with replacement. This is the same as 1/4 x 1/4 = 1/8 or saying the odds are 1:8. I've included a couple of links on sampling with replacement and without replacement. Generally, for calculating statistics, we attempt to get independent results. The draw of one card, will reduce the population, and change the probabilities on the second draw, so sampling without replacement is not independent sampling. See related links.

What does the saying Not playing with a full deck mean?

It means that the person is not very smart. It is a reference to playing cards. A "full deck" of standard playing cards is 52 cards. If you have less than 52 cards you don't have a "full deck" and it will be difficult (and not smart) to try to play card games.Not playing with a full deck means a person is not very smart.

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