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Q: What is the probability that a completely random 13th day of a month is Friday the 13th?
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What is the probability that by guessing at random a person can guess the birth month of a stranger?

1 in 12

What is the probability of a month of January having 5 Sundays?

If a 31-day month starts on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday it will have 5 Sundays; if not it will have 4. So the probability is 3/7.

What is the probability that a month picked at random ends with the letter y?

There are 4 months that end in the letter Y, January, February, May, and July. The probability, then, of a random month ending in the letter Y is 4 in 12, or 1 in 3, or about 0.3333.

What is the probability your 13th birthday will fall on Friday the 13th?

Well..., first you have to be born on the 13th of some month. But your birth-day has to be 13 years before a Friday the 13th in the same month. So the probability is low. It also depends on the month you were born. A very lucky,..AND TRUE..., example is my 13th birthday. I'll turn 13 on Friday the 13th of July in 2012. So...I'm rare. LOW PROBABILITY!!

A certain month will begin on a Friday and will end on a Friday also What month is it?

Feb 2036

When is the Friday the Friday 13th?

well Friday the 13th is on Friday the 13th

What month is Friday the 13 on?

It's this Friday. (May2011)

How can you tell there will be a Friday the thirteenth?

Simply look at the 13th of the month on a calendar and see if it is a Friday. A simple rule is that if the 1st of the month is a Sunday, then the 13th will be a Friday.

What day of the week begins a month that has a Friday the 13th?

A month must begin on a Sunday in order to have a Friday the 13th.

What month is Black Friday in?

Black Friday is the traditional name for the Friday following Thanksgiving in November.

What month in 2011 have a Friday the 13th?

May 2011 has Friday the 13th.

What month is opposite day?

Every month on the 3 friday.