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It is a measure of the likelihood of that event occurring, as a proportion of all possible outcomes.

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Q: What is the probability that an event will happen?
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An event that will definitely happen is an event with what percent probability?

An event that will definitely happen is an event with 100% probability.

Can -1.5 be the probability of an event?

No. The probability of an event ranges from 0 (the event will not happen) to 1 (the event will happen).

What is a probability of 0 which means the event has to happen?

If the probability of an event is zero then that event cannot happen

If an event is certain to happen which number represents its probability?

The probability of an event that is certain to happen is 1.

What is the event if the probability will equal 1?

It is the probability of an event that will definitely happen.

What is the standard notation to represent the probability of an event?

It is on a scale of 1 to 0 of a probability that an event will happen or it will not happen

What is a probability event that is impossible?

A probability event that is impossible is one that will not happen, i.e. its probability is zero.

What is a probability of 1?

It is the probability of an event which is certain to happen.

What does it mean for an event to have a probability of 1?

Probability is on a scale of 1 to 0 and 1 is that .an event will certainly happen whereas 0 is that an event will not happen

Can you have a probability greater than one?

No. Probability ranges from zero, meaning the event will not happen, to one, meaning the event will happen.

What is the probibility of 1 mean?

A probability of 1 refers to an event that is certain to happen.A probability of 1 refers to an event that is certain to happen.A probability of 1 refers to an event that is certain to happen.A probability of 1 refers to an event that is certain to happen.

If the probabilty that an event will happen is 3 what is the probability of the event complement?

The probability of event X is 0.3. If events X and Y are complements, what is the probability of event Y?