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one in 100 or 10in a 1000

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Q: What is the probability you being in a car accident?
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What is the probability that you will lose your license for leaving the scene of an accident The car you hit was parked and no one was hurt?

most likely

What are the odds of being in a car accident?

One out of every four people will be ina car accident in their lifetime. Your chances of dieing in a car accident are 1 out of every 140 people.

What Three things that could lower your auto insurance?

Good Grades, low accident probability, and a not so flashy car!

If you have your seatbelt on and you get in a car accident what will happen to you?

You should be prevented from being ejected from the car.

What is the chance of being killed in a car accident?

136.4 to 1

What is the probability of a plane accident?

1000,000 to 1

What will your car be worth after an accident?

u being alive minus1 cent

If you give a family member who has their own insurance policy permission to drive your car and they get into an accident which policy covers the accident?

the policy that covers the car that is being driven.

Has this car been in an accident?

Has this car been in an accident?

What happend to Cathy freeman's dad?

car accident -NOT a car accident, her sister died because of a disease (cerebral palsy)and her dad had a stroke.It was in 2008 that her brother had a car accident and dies being a passenger.

Why would it cost more to insure an expensive sports car than an economy car?

Higher theft rate, higher probability of an accident, more expensive to repair.

What is the probability of getting into a car accident while texting?

The probability of getting into a car accident while texting is significantly higher compared to driving without distractions. Studies have shown that texting while driving increases the risk of accidents by at least six times. It is safest to avoid texting while driving altogether to minimize the risk of accidents.