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The probability of getting an even number on both dice is (2/6) * (2/6) = (4/36) = 1/9.

The probability when rolling two dice of getting one even number but not a "2" is 10/36, which is 5/18.

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Q: What is the probability you roll a number cube twice and get an even number but not a 2?
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The probability of rolling an even number when number cube is rolled twice?

Because 3/6 of the sides on a number cube have even numbers, the probability of rolling even on one number cube is 1/2(equivalent of 3/6). But since you're rolling twice, you multiply the probability of one by itself (therefore rolling 2 number cubes). So: 1/2x1/2=1/4 The probability of rolling an even number when a number cube is rolled twice is 1/4, 25%, or 1 out of 4.

When rolling a number cube twice what is the probability of rolling at least one even number?

one fourth

If you roll a number Cube twice what is the probability of rolling a even number than an odd number?

50 percent

What is the probability of getting a even number then not a 2 if you roll a number cube twice?

It is (1/2)*(5/6) = 5/12

What is the probability of rolling an even number on a number cube?


What is probability of rolling a number divisible by 2 on a number cube?

Well, numbers divisible by 2 are even numbers, and the even numbers from 1 to 6 are 2,4,and 6. Since there are 3 out of 6 even numbers on a number cube, there is a probability 1/2 to roll an even number on a number cube.

What is the probability of rolling a 4 or an even number on a number cube?

That depends on how many sides the cube has but if it was a 6 sided cube then the probability of getting a four is 1 to 6 and even is 3 to 6. Since 4 is even, then the result set of 4 intersect with the result set of even, so the probability of rolling a 4 or an even number is 1 in 2, or 0.5.

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What is the probability of rolling the even number on a six sided number cube?


What is the probability of not rolling an even number on a number cube?

3/6 or 1/2

What is the probability of rolling an even number on a die?

Total numbers on a cube = 6Even numbers on a cube = 3Probability of rolling an even number on one fair cube = 3/6 = 50% .

What is the probability that you will roll an even number on a number cube numbered 1 to 6?
