

What is the problem with syndol?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What is the problem with syndol?
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Where can i buy syndol caplets?

You can buy Syndol from

Is syndol back in chemists?

I was told by a boots assistant that the manufacturers of syndol said that the backlog of legislation was beginning to clear and it shouldn't be long now before syndol was back in the chemists.

Is there anything to replace syndol?


When will syndol be back in chemists?

Syndol is back already at most chemists. Boots, Lloyds Pharmacy, the Garden Pharmacy etc.

When will syndol be back in stock?

I was told by a Tesco pharmacist that Syndol should be back in production by the end of February..... I certainly hope so!!

Where can you get syndol from?

I heard that the company that makes syndol has been taken over by the company who make lemsip and they are waiting for the licence to be renewed. Hope this helps Pharmacist

When will syndol tablets be back in stock?

I was told by a Tesco pharmacist that Syndol should be back in production by the end of February..... I certainly hope so!!

Are there any tablets to replace syndol?

Paramol for tension headaches

Why is syndol off the selves again after only 5 months?

II I phoned the manufacturer of syndol, Reckitt & Benkister, and they said that this second time of unavailability is due to the tablets content having to be overseen by the MHRA, and not a licensing issue as was the case last time.

Have Syndol gone off the market?

Yes temporarily. from what i understand its due to one of the chemicals in syndol that relax the muscles that people can find addictive. according to the manager and my local boots store we should expect them back on our shelves in april.

When will you be able to buy Syndol again?

Hi, I dont know when you will be able to get it again, ive given up myself! But if the muscle relaxant in it called doxylamine helps, you can but that concentrated from anywhere, like amazon. It helps you sleep, and if i take it with some regular cocodomol it does the trick. I brought doxylamine for around 9 pounds from amazon, it is 25mg, where syndol had 6mg in each tablet, so you only have to take one. Good luck.

Why are syndol out of stock again in 2013?

syndol will be back it is just got new management again,yes so soon, so back to wait for licensing again.. this is not about addiction etc as some people have been stating. so dont pay £30 ridiculous prices people are selling for, few weeks and it will be back in stores