To find the common denominator of two fractions, you find the least common multiple of the denominators. The multiply the numerators by whatever you multiplied the denominator by to get an equivalent fraction.
1 + 2 = 10
3 4 12
the least common multiple of 3 and 4 is 12 so,
4 + 6 = 10
12 12 12 which can be reduced to the answer of 5
By finding the lowest common denominator of the fractions.
Find the lowest common denominator by finding the lowest common multiple of the denominators
When comparing fractions you must find a common denominator; by finding the least common denominator it will keep the numbers (numerators and denominator) smaller .
By finding their lowest common denominator
by finding the common denominator of the fractions
finding the least common denominator formula
The process of finding the LCM is the same as finding the least common denominator which is important when you want to add and subtract fractions.
Least common denominator.....
By finding the lowest common denominator of the fractions.
Find the lowest common denominator by finding the lowest common multiple of the denominators
By finding the lowest common multiple of the denominators
When comparing fractions you must find a common denominator; by finding the least common denominator it will keep the numbers (numerators and denominator) smaller .
By finding their lowest common denominator
It is called simplification [by cancelling common factors].
In fractions, the denominator is the bottom number. When adding or subtracting fractions, it is helpful if all the denominators are the same. To do this, we look for common denominators, which is the same process as finding the least common multiple.
by finding the common denominator of the fractions
By finding their lowest common denominator and then alter the numerator and denominator of the given fractions accordingly