The decimal for the fraction 7 over 9 is 0.7777…. This is a repeating decimal, which can be more cleanly expressed using a line (called a vinculum) over the repeating part, like this: 0.77 with a vinculum over the repeating portion of the number.
Brick repeat pattern is similar to Block, except instead of being perfectly aligned vertically and horizontally, the image layout is staggered, like a brick wall.
I assume you mean "repeating decimal". Yes. For example, 1/6 = 0.166666... after that, the digit "6" repeats over and over again. In other cases, it is more than one digit that repeats, over and over. Note that at first there may be other digits, that don't repeat later on.In general, any fraction (with integers on top and bottom), if converted into a decimal, will eventually start repeating. Conversely, any repeating decimal can be converted into a fraction.
0.3333 repeating
repeating decimal
By repeating them over and over again
People may assume that you do not understand the given response, and that you may repeating the process of incorrect understanding.
he/she create's pattern :)
The line over a repeating decimal is called the vinculum.
Repeating information over and over again to keep from forgetting it.
its called repeating :/
When something is reoccurring it is happening over and over.
repetition or learning by rote
By repeating the same word over and over again.
Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Repetition is something happening again and again and again Just like that! In other words, the process of repeating.