0.36842105263158 times
Well, honey, you can fit 21 into 57 two times with a remainder of 15. So, technically, 21 goes into 57 two times, but you're left with a little extra that just can't be divided evenly. Math can be a real stickler like that.
The product of 52 and 21 is 1092
The product of 57 and 10 is equal to 57 x 10 = 570.
The product of 6 times 57 is 342
The product is 5091
0.36842105263158 times
Well, honey, you can fit 21 into 57 two times with a remainder of 15. So, technically, 21 goes into 57 two times, but you're left with a little extra that just can't be divided evenly. Math can be a real stickler like that.
The product of 52 and 21 is 1092
It is: 12/21 times 100 = 57.'142857'% recurring decimal '142857'
21 x 20 = 420
The product is 651
The product is: 18,669
The product is 7560