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Carlos Mante

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Q: What is the product name is the identification number for 1001?
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What is the product name for identification number 1001 in the ERG?


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How do I find the appropriate guide page within the emergency response guidebook?

To find the appropriate guide page within the emergency response guidebook, you must use the four-digit identification number or product name of the material.

UN NA number 1001?

The proper shipping name for UN number 1001 is Acetylene, dissolved.

Determine what the product name is for idnetification number 1001 Select the ERG to look up the correct answer?

muriatic acid

What refers to a special identification or name that is associated with a product?

A brand name refers to a special identification or name that is associated with a product. It helps to distinguish the product from competitors and build recognition and loyalty among consumers.

What is the identification number for the proper shipping name Nicotine?

The identification number is 1654

Using the attached erg determine witch product name four digit identification number combination is incorrect?

sulphuric acid

How do you find the guide page within the emergency response guidebook?

use the four-digit identification number or product name of the material.

Usint the ERG determine which product name four digit id number and guide number combination is incorrect?

Sulphuric acid, identification number 1693, guide number 159

How do you find the appropriate guide page within the Emergency Response Guide?

use the four-digit identification number or product name of the material.