The GCF is 18.
To calculate how many times 18 goes into 126, you would divide 126 by 18. The result is 7, meaning that 18 goes into 126 seven times evenly. This can be verified by multiplying 18 by 7, which equals 126.
Yes because if you divide 126 by 18 and get a whole number it is a multiple which 126 divided by 18 is 7.
126 days is 18 weeks.
7 x 18 = 126 126 is a common multiple of 7 and 18
The product is 126
The GCF is 18.
To calculate how many times 18 goes into 126, you would divide 126 by 18. The result is 7, meaning that 18 goes into 126 seven times evenly. This can be verified by multiplying 18 by 7, which equals 126.
LCM(6, 18, 7) = 126
This is the same as asking 126-18=? 126-10=116. 116-8=108. 126-18=108.
Yes because if you divide 126 by 18 and get a whole number it is a multiple which 126 divided by 18 is 7.
126 days is 18 weeks.
LCD(18, 21) = 126
Because 18*7 = 126 and 42*3 = 126 126 is a multiple of both, 18 and 42, and so it is their common multiple.