345 multiplied by 4 is 1,380.
The product is 1997.55
The number are coprime so their LCM is their product ie 15*23 = 345
345 = 345
345 multiplied by 4 is 1,380.
21,000/345 = 60.87 60.87 x 345 = 21000
The product is 1997.55
As a product of its prime factors: 3*5*23 = 345
345 and 217
The number are coprime so their LCM is their product ie 15*23 = 345
No need to estimate. The true answer is 345
The product of its prime factors: 2*173 = 345
The LCM of 8 and 345 is their product, 2760. The rest of the common multiples of 8 and 345 are the infinite set that begins 2760, 5520, 8280, 11,040, 13,800, and so on.