It is: 6 times 8 plus 1 = 49
6*7 is 42 42+5=49
9,408 is the closest number to the product of 192 and 49.
LCM of 20 and 49 is 980.
Product of 6 and 5 is 30. 30 is 19 less than 49
The least common multiple of the numbers 6 and 49 is 294.Their product.
It is: 6 times 8 plus 1 = 49
6*7 is 42 42+5=49
It is (6*4)+25 = 49
9,408 is the closest number to the product of 192 and 49.
49 + 6 = 55
Their product.
49 = 7 x 7
1*49 and 7*7.