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Q: What is the product of phosphorylase?
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What is the substrate of phosphorylase?

The substrate of phosphorylase is glycogen. Phosphorylase is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of glycogen into glucose-1-phosphate, which can then be used by cells for energy production.

Phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase has what effect on the enzyme?

Activation, conversion from glycogen phosphorylase B to glycogen phosphorylase A

Which of the following statements about glycogen phosphorylase (GP) is incorrect?

AMP is an inhibitor of glycogen phosphorylase.

Why is glycogen phosphorylase alone not sufficient in in degrading glycogen?

Glycogen phosphorylase can not cleave the alpha-1,6-glycosidic bonds at glycogen branch points

What is the last step in the sequence of events when cyclic AMP acts as a second messenger?

the last step is ofcourse glycogen breakdown.......before that inactive glycogen phosphorylase-b is activated and phosphorylated to glycogen phosphorylase-a by the help of activated phosphorylase kinase........ ......phosphorylase kinase was activated by activated protien kinase..and activated protien kinase was activated by cyclic amp...........

Why are both chloroplasts and mitochondria present in phosphorylase enzymes?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria both contain phosphorylase enzymes because these enzymes are involved in energy metabolism processes that occur in both organelles. Phosphorylase enzymes are responsible for catalyzing the breakdown of glycogen into glucose units in the cytoplasm, releasing energy in the form of ATP which is essential for cellular energy production.

Why is starch phosphorylase not involved in vivo starch anabolism?

Starch phosphorylase is primarily involved in starch degradation by catalyzing the conversion of starch to glucose. In vivo starch anabolism involves the synthesis of starch molecules from glucose, which is carried out by enzymes like starch synthase and starch branching enzyme. Therefore, starch phosphorylase is not directly involved in the biosynthesis of starch in living systems.

What is the difference between phosphorylase and phosphatase?

Phosphorylase is an enzyme that adds a phosphate group to a molecule, typically to activate it. Phosphatase is an enzyme that removes a phosphate group from a molecule, usually to deactivate it or regulate its activity. Essentially, phosphorylase adds a phosphate group while phosphatase removes a phosphate group.

Which enzymes are required for glycogen breakdown?

glycogen phosphorylase, glycogen debranching enzyme, phosphoglutomutase

Why is starch phosphorylase important in metabolism?

Starch phosphorylase is important in metabolism as it helps break down starch into glucose units for energy production. This enzyme plays a key role in glycogen degradation in animals and starch degradation in plants, providing essential substrates for energy metabolism. Additionally, starch phosphorylase helps regulate blood glucose levels and is involved in various cellular processes related to energy balance.

What does the cleavage of glycogen phosphorylase release?

The cleavage of glycogen phosphorylase releases glucose-1-phosphate by breaking the glycosidic bond within glycogen. This glucose-1-phosphate can then be further processed to yield free glucose for energy production.

Is the enzyme that catalyzes glycogenolysis always present in active form?

I think you're referring to glycogen phosphorylase, which is an enzyme that catalyzes the reaction where glycogen is turned into a glucose-molecule, therefore making it available for transformation to energy. Glycogen phosphorylase comes in two forms, A and B. Usually, the A form is considered the active form, whilst B is the inactive form. That is a modified truth, since both of these forms can exist in a T (tense) inactive state and R (relaxed) active state, depending on the presence of ADP (residue after phosphorylation of ATP). But usually, A is in its R state and B is in its T state. So for the sake of argument, we say A is active and B is inactive. So the short answer would be 'No'. For example, hormones such as epinephrine, insulin, and glucagon regulate glycogen phosphorylase. Essentially, epinephrine and glucagon promotes the A form (by activating phosphorylase kinase, an enzyme that transforms A into B), and insulin promotes the B form (by inhibiting the phosphorylase kinase).