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it is the identity 1 times a number is that number the number keeps its identity


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Q: What is the property of 1 times 5?
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What property is this 5 times 2 equal 2 times 5?

Commutative Property of Multiplication.

Which property is illustrated 4 times 5 equals 5 times 4?

The property that multiplication of integers is commutative.

Which property goes with 5 times 23 times 2?

5*23*2 = 23*5*2 (commutative property)= 23*(5*2) (associative property) = 23*10 = 230.

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5x55= 275

Does the expression 5 times 05 illustrate the inverse property of multiplication?

No, the inverse property of multiplication results in an answer of 1 when inverses are multiplied together. The reciprocal of a number represents the inverse of a number. When a number or term is multiplied by its reciprocal, the result is one. 4 x 1/4 = 1 a x 1/a = 1 5 and 1/5 illustrates the inverse property of multiplication.

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commutative property of multiplication

What is 4 times 5 and 1 over 8 distributive property?

(4 x 5) = (4 x 1/8) = 20 + 4/8 = 20.5

What is the property of 5 X 1 5?

identity property

What is 607 times 5 in disttributive property?

607 times 5 is 3035. That is the answer with or without the distributive property.

What is the communative property for 5 times 4?

5*4 = 4*5

In the following problem what property allows you to multiply 5 by 2 before multiplying by 13?

I am guessing your problem is to compute 5 times 2 times 13. In this case, the property you are using the associative property.

Can you Identify the property illustrated 1 plus 5 equals 5 plus 1?

commutative property of addition