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There is no reason why you couldnt, i wouldnt recommend it though, if you take it to a taxidermist they will do it for you.

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noo course he wouldnt 1 it would be illegal and 2 its disgusting and not right 12 year olds shouldnt be think about that

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The earths rotation gives day and night. Without day and night, animals wont get enough sleep. Plant eating animals couldnt eat plants; there wouldnt be any. The plant animals will die, and then the predators, because they will have nothing to eat. I couldnt think of anything else.

Why spade your dog?

i dont know, i personally think you shouldnt! i mean think about it how would you like it? exactly you wouldnt! However, if you do not spay your female dog, she may have puppies, and you will then have lots of extra dogs (six in a litter is not unusual) and you will have to figure out what to do with them.

Can pandas and giraffes breed with each other?

Hell No! Thats Just Silly! And That wouldnt Work For Many Reasons! Not To Get Gross But The Dick Of One Or the Other couldnt Reach The Vagina Of The Other (Or How Ever Animal Mating Works...) So The Answer is No.

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Beauty, self reflection, etc. Eyeshadow is a tool to not cover up who you are but to bring you out a little more, you shouldnt have any side effects to eyeshadow, unless you are allergic to some ingredients in them, if this is the case, i wouldnt know the side effects, because peoples reactions are different :)

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alot of people!! Then again to each their own i say. Just because i wouldnt wear em doesnt mean she shouldnt! There is alot to be said for individuality and i have seen 'fashions' that are equally as silly imo..always remember fashion and style are NOT the same thing!xxx

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i think that they wouldnt. plus they are famouse they wouldnt have any privacy anyway.

Do you need to disclose two repos when trying to buy a new car or can you just disclose the bankruptcy?

Seems strange your attorney wouldnt/couldnt advise you on this. 1st, was the loan that involved the repos DISCHARGED in the b/k? IF so, just disclose the b/k. If not, tell all. IF really in doubt, get a credit report and see for yourself.