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Q: What is the purpose of diagonal boards on a gate?
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Where are the electronic bulletin boards in Pokemon white?

The electronic bulletin boards are in every gate. Gates are between every town/city and route

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It gives boundaries for the players and the puck.

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What purpose does loft boards serve?

Loft boards are pieces of foam board which can be installed in an attic. Loft boards provide insulation to keep warm from escaping and cold air from entering a building.

What is purpose of exterior deck floorboards?

Used on exterior decks, the boards are treated with chemicals and pressurized to keep them from rotting and protection from insects eating the boards.

Do all Missouri fox trotters have a lateral gate?

No Missouri Fox Trotters preform a Diagonal gait called the Fox Trot which is a form of ambling gait.

Can your 14 year old son fly to dublin on his own?

yeah, as long as there is someone with him until he boards, and someone to pick him up at his gate in dublin.

What is the purpose of display boards on UK bus stops?

The purpose of display boards on UK bus stops is to advertise a business goods or services. A bus stop is a great place to promote a business because many people use the bus for commuting daily.

Why are switch boards used in the office?

The main purpose of using switch boards is to save cost and time. So mostly in offices now a days used switched board.

What is the main purpose of flex pcb?

Flex PCB is a manufacturer of prototype printed circuit boards located in Tempe, Arizona. The main purpose of the company is to provide customers who need unique custom circuit boards with a specially designed and manufactured product that fits their specifications.

What is the purpose of the horse racing gate?

Do you mean the starting gate? It is like a loading stall. The groom leads the horse in, with the jockey mounted, then the groom closes the gate. There the horse waits for the starting gate to swing open. Things trainers hate are when a horse leans on the back or front gate. This can set the jockey of balance.

Control boards are used for what purpose?

Control boards are sued to control other circuitry. They provide power and send signals to the other circuitry during operation. There may even be a CPU on the board.